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Nebulon (Heroes of the League Book 1) Page 11

  "What now?" he asked as he opened the door a crack and looked outside.

  "First, we need to find the davit that was hiding at the back of that room."

  "What? I didn't see anyone. How did someone get in there?"

  "I'm not sure, but I did see her, and I could smell her. She had a scent reminiscent of cinnamon."

  "Her? Doc, you could tell the gender of someone across an old dusty room by her scent?"

  "A woman knows. She's somewhere in this complex, and she's watching us. Listen, I need more information. Can you strike up a conversation with some of the guards, especially the females? We need the inside scoop on what's really happening here, not just the official bullshit Fiona is shoveling us."

  "Sure, Doc. I can chat up the ladies and see what I can find," he said as he turned and found her looking at him from less than a centimeter away.

  "Just remember who you came to this party with," she said as she kissed him gently on the lips. Before he could react, she sat down at the desk and started pulling stuff from her pack, as if oblivious to what had just occurred. He opened the door and left, very confused, but even more worried about his friend.


  After Jason left, Nebulon found the earliest journal and took it to the desk to read. She was amazed at how light and flexible the pages were. She checked with her scanner and they were indeed made from high-quality adamantine steel rolled to paper thinness. She looked closely at the writing and saw that it was discolorations in the metal, not some type of pigment. She activated her computer and linked her two pads to it. She surface-scanned a page and sent the data to her datapad for analysis with help from the console.

  "Computer, analysis of the writing on this page. List possible methods used."

  The computer churned as she read the text. "Working. Most likely method is focused gamma ray or x-ray laser. Writing is actual deformation of atomic structure."

  "Computer, estimate longevity," she said as she came to an illustration of two Erdexi adults, one male and one female.

  "Based on properties of adamantine steel of this quality, longevity would be in excess of one hundred million years."

  "Wow. Computer, stealth mode. Tie into ship's mainframe. How are the others doing with the translation?"

  "One percent completion of contents of second library."

  "Why no progress? I can read this like the newspaper," she said. Then she paused and thought for a moment. "Computer, access local copy of League database. What is the furthest anyone has gotten translating the Erdexi language."

  "Working. Forty percent," the AI replied.

  "How long did it take and who did the translation?"

  "Three years. Dr. Nebulon Blyst."

  Nebulon dropped the book on the table as if it had burned her. She was halfway through the tome and she had not referred to the translator routines or her extensive notes. Then she realized that she wasn't mentally translating the text into Standard. She was reading it in native Erdexi as if she had read it all her life.

  She picked up the book and opened it to where she had left off. The entry was about the days just before the war started. The Head of Exploration was informing the Council of Leaders of the status of one of their deep space probes…


  All the council members were in attendance this evening as Academician Gerith gave his report, an event that had not occurred in the last hundred cycles.

  "What news do you bring us, Academician?" the council head asked as a signal that the meeting had started.

  "The Hilakor probe has reported finding an inhabited system with at least one advanced civilization. It's called Ratore by its inhabitants, the Maruka, and it's located on the inner edge of our arm of the galaxy, approximately three years travel from the edge of our space. We have been in contact with their leaders and they have asked that we open treaty negotiations with them."

  "This is amazing news, Gerith. What is the next step?"

  "With your permission, I would like to open a bridge to the ship so that their emissaries can come and meet with you and your esteemed colleagues. For those of you worried about security, we can narrow the transdimensional tunnel so that only one of their ships may pass through."

  The council members talked amongst themselves for several minutes. "Academician, please step into the antechamber while we discuss your request.”

  Bowing, Gerith exited the chamber through the massive wooden doors which the guards closed behind him. His fellow academician, Caema, stood up from her seat near the window and walked over to him. "So, is it a go?"

  "You sound like your husband, the space pilot. No, at least not yet. They are discussing it." I'm convinced they would discuss letting the mythical Lord Norash land his star sled on the roof of this building if given the chance."

  "You're too hard on them. They are protective. They want all the possibilities considered before committing to a plan of action. Remember, this is the first planet to be contacted in over a hundred cycles. How does my daughter put it? This is a big to-do."

  Before he could answer, the chamber doors opened. "Academician Gerith, the council would see you now," the Sergeant at Arms said as she stood at the center of the massive entryway.

  "Good luck," Caema said as she patted her friend on the shoulder.

  Once back inside the chamber and the massive doors shut, the lead councilor addressed Gerith. "Academician Gerith, after due deliberation, the council agrees to your plan with the stipulation that a contingent of the Space Navy be on hand as a sign of respect and honor to our new-found friends."

  "And to blow them to a hell of their choice if they misbehave,” Council Member Togarth said under his breath.

  "Thank you all, Councilors."

  "When will this event occur?" Council Member Lastel asked.

  "Three days hence assuming the Maruka can be ready."

  "Very good, Academician. Your work will be remembered by many generations to come."


  "I see where this is going," Nebulon said as she got up to make a cup of coffee. "It reminds me of the lead-in to the Battle for Pendar when the Goranthi attacked Pendar Five, she said to herself as she poured the hot dark liquid in an almost clean cup. "Thank the Holies that Ange and the Protector were there for an unannounced R&R. How the hell that woman could stare down a Goranthi warship twice her size is beyond me." She said as she sat back down and continued reading between slugs of coffee.


  Three days after the council meeting…

  "Status, Captain Orgath," Gerith said as he looked out the cruiser’s view screen.

  "All ships signal ready, sir. You can proceed whenever you are ready," the captain of the Erdexi Pride, the fleet's flagship, replied.

  "Did we really need twelve warships?"

  "Two for honor and ten for ass-kicking, if necessary, sir. Yes, I think we have enough."

  Gerith gave him a dirty look. "Fine, signal control to open the bridge and send the signal.

  Orgath gave the command. At first nothing happened and then the gate sequence started with the gate generator becoming engulfed by electrical discharges. This was followed by the formation of a fifty-meter-wide gateway field sphere, which signaled the formation of a transdimensional bridge. They waited. They waited some more. "I don't like this one bit. First officer, sound battle stations. Communications officer, signal the other ships that we are going to battle stations."

  Too late, a single seat fighter flew out of the gate with guns blazing. It was followed by ten more, then a hundred more, then another hundred. Gerith watched in horror as fighters came pouring out of the sphere like water from a broken main.

  "Shields up, full reverse. All pilots to their ships. This is no drill," the first officer said over the sound of battle klaxons.

  "Prepare missile batteries and pulse-laser cannons. Defensive batteries fire at will."

  The ship shuddered as enemy weapons were deflected by her defensive screens. />
  "Cutty, how are we doing?"

  "We're giving as well as we're getting, sir. Shields are at eighty-five percent and holding. We're keeping the worst of them at bay."

  "Communications, send the gate self-destruct signal, all channels," Capt. Orgath ordered. "Blow the power-packs if you have to."

  "Yes, sir, sending signal. No joy, sir. Sir, diagnostics indicate that we are no longer in control of the gate."

  "Sound the global evacuation alarm. Launch all escape ships on the surface and in orbit, and have them rendezvous at the preset coordinates. Status, Ms. Cutty."

  "Sir, all fighters away, Orsa, Kulath, Montrose, and Meska report launch sequence complete. Tooska, Rendev, and Lakore not responding to hails."

  "And the others?"

  "Our fighters report they've been destroyed, Captain."

  "Sir, look!" the helmsman said pointing to the screen. The gate sphere was growing in size as an impossibly large ship started to emerge from it.

  "Blast and damn. Navigation, plot an intercept course across that thing's bow, I want to cross its T. Helm, full speed ahead. Weapons, bring all starboard batteries to bear and prepare to fire on my mark."

  "Aye sir, all weapons read ready."

  "Steady…Steady…" the captain said as they formed a gigantic T-shape with them the cap of the T and the alien ship the stem.

  "Sir, shields at fifty percent."

  "Mark! All batteries fire!"

  The ship lurched to port as missiles left their rails and the massive pulse lasers let loose with energy equivalent to a small sun. Thirty fusion bomb-tipped rockets hit the alien ship's shields while laser beams danced across its hull. Any small ship caught between the two titans was instantly vaporized by the onslaught.

  On the Bridge of the Pride all hell had broken loose as its shielding took a pounding both from the enemy weapons and the backwash from its own weapons fire. Around the Bridge, sparks, flames, and smoke erupted from consoles as warning klaxons wailed and strobes flashed to warn of numerous problems occurring throughout the ship.

  "Status," the captain yelled over the din, "and kill those bloody alarms."

  "Aye, sir," the first officer said as she killed the alarms. "Missile banks empty, shields down to twenty percent. Half our lasers are gone, we're venting atmo. FTL is still with us as are communications and one landing bay."

  "Status of alien ship?"

  Cutty brought up the viewscreen and switched to a stern view which showed the heavily damaged ship still emerging from the now-gigantic bridge sphere. It was now firing on the planet. "Sir, I strongly suggest we get the hell out of here. We've got nothing left except hand weapons and a few half-dead lasers. From radio chatter, I surmise we are the best-off of the fleet."

  "Sound battle recall plan six. Have fighters return to nearest ship while covering retreat. Tell the Captains to jump to FTL when they're ready."

  "Are you insane?" Gerith yelled. The bridge security guards had him pinned in less than a second. "We can't leave them to die," he said.

  "They're already dead," Orgath said as he pointed out the window. The alien ship was firing missiles and beam weapons at the planet as it continued to emerge from the sphere. The planet was covered in smoke and fire as the alien ship systematically laid waste to the surface. "They have the bridge control codes, which means they will be bringing more ships through it. This ship is the least crippled of any in the fleet and we have had our asses handed to us on an adamantine platter. We need to regroup and repair so that we can stop them from getting to the next planet. It's over. It's time to go."

  Gerith collapsed. "Take him to Sickbay. Cutty, send out a planetary disaster call and launch our log buoy."

  "Yes, sir. Heading for the buoy?"

  "Rhanna. It's our most remote outpost."

  "Sir, the other ships have jumped,"

  "Status of our fighters?"

  "One hundred seven of ours have returned and another thirty-two from other ships. There's no one left, sir,"

  "Jump," he said as Erda, the Erdexi home world, burned before his eyes. For a moment, he imagined he could smell the smoke from the distant fires, then space folded around them.


  Nebulon closed the book and gently set it down on the table before she started to cry. She hadn't felt this way since Tennosh. The feeling of helplessness and futility washed over her as the enormity of what had happened the thousand centuries passed made her feel more powerless than she had in a long time. She was interrupted by a knock at the door. Quickly composing herself, she yelled, "Come in," as she wiped her eyes.

  "Hey, it's just me, Fiona, checking on you guys," she said as she walked in. Her joviality turned to concern when she saw Nebulon dabbing her eyes with a tissue. "What's wrong, sweetie?"

  "Nothing. Just got caught up in the story of what happened to the Erdexi," she said as she picked up a journal as an example.

  "You've read these?"

  "Yes, sort of. Each journal is written in five different languages which appear as vertically stacked panels, which means it takes up five times the volume it would have if it contained only one language. Luckily, I am fluent with the one language."

  "What about the other four?"

  "Completely unknown. I checked my datapad and there is nothing like any of them on record. Those journals are like the Rosetta stone back on Earth."

  "Why can you read this stuff and the others can't? They're the best linguists in the League and you're a xenoarchaeologist."

  "Lucky, I guess. The study of the Erdexi is sort of my search for the Holy Grail, only I want to learn about them, not meet them and take their treasure.”

  "So, you know Ciara?" Fiona said as she shifted the subject.

  "Yes, I did some consulting work for OffSec, and she was the head of the project. I consider her one of my closest friends."

  "Does she still have those crazy plants?"

  "Yes. From what she describes, I think Clevon has gotten more protective over the years."

  "Clevon, that little fire breathing shit. I thank the stars he's in a pot," Fiona said as she sat down in a spare chair. "Gods, I miss her, Ciara that is."

  "Then call her. Get on a commlink and give her a ring," Nebulon said as she pulled a card from her vest. "Here's one of her damn tracker cards. I had it neutralized, but the number is still her private one. I am positive she would like to hear from you."

  "Thanks, I might do that," she said as she stood up and headed to the door. "Did you make cookies? I keep getting whiffs of vanilla."

  "Probably a local flower. I will let you know if I find out anything," she said as she sat back down at the desk and returned to reading the journals.


  Four years into the war…

  The ship reeked of electricity as the last of the shorts were found and repaired. Though the new jump drive allowed them to travel instantaneously from one point in space to another, it played havoc with the ships electrical systems, something the FTL drives never did.

  Admiral Orgath made his way past the repair crews as he entered the Bridge. "Admiral on the Bridge," Cutty said from the captain's chair.

  "Thank you, Captain, report."

  "Ship repairs proceeding on schedule. Twenty-eight new crewmembers have reported and are being assigned. Missile and ordinance stocks are at eighty percent and should be at one hundred percent at time of departure. We'll be go for up in twenty-four hours, Admiral, sir."

  "Plans have changed. We just got a report that the Thaloss was lost with all hands in the Tossorn System…"

  "Sir, your ship, the flagship of the operation, gone?"

  Orgath looked at her, in a way pleased that Cutty could still feel anything after all this time watching friends and loved ones die at the hands of the attacking forces. He knew her pain all too well.

  "Yes, Captain, they're gone, but they took both a Marauder transport ship and a battlewagon with them. This ship, the Death Dealer, is now my flagship. I have ordered all statio
n crew to be assigned to bringing her online in twelve hours. We have a mission, Captain, one that is vital to the survival of the Erdexi people.”

  Cutty led the Admiral into her secure briefing room and sealed the door behind her before reacting to the new orders. "Excuse me, sir, but twelve hours? We haven't even assigned the newbs their quarters yet. What the hell is so important that we jump the gun like this?"

  "In twelve hours, we'll be taking a specially outfitted landing craft back to Erda to retrieve a device from a research lab buried deep under the northern continent. Your mission is to take the ship and its crew to Erda and make sure they make it back or they and the facility are destroyed. The Marauders cannot get their hands on this device."

  "Sir, may I ask what this device is?"

  "Yes, but this is on a need-to-know basis and only you and I need to know. It's a prototype transdimensional implosion initiator."

  "Excuse me, a what?"

  "It can cause a sun to go nova by removing a section of its core and moving it somewhere else outside of the star's interior."

  "Why would we build something like that?"

  "That doesn't matter. We have an op that we hope will drive the Marauders out of our space before they wipe us out."

  "I thought we were gaining ground?" Cutty asked as she poured each a drink before sitting in her oversized chair.

  "We're on the verge of extinction, but we dare not let anyone know for fear they would just give up. We've been pushed to Rhanna with only Stanos, Catra, and Geldor standing between us and them. All the other planets have been annihilated. Our population is now a scant twenty million. The Marauders have set up a Center of Operations on what was once our main government planet, Lexatilles. They have installed their primary bridge terminus there. Our plan is to have a single pilot fly a prototype ship deep inside the Lexatilles star, Sortilles, and detonate the device. The detonation must occur the moment a transporter is halfway through the terminus, that way the shockwave from the nova will blow the bridge to kingdom come, trapping the remaining Marauders at this end. They'll be easier to handle in limited numbers."